How this Blockchain does powered CrowdFunding Script work?-crypto soft india

First lets start with how normal Crowd Funding sites like Kickstarter Works: It all starts when an Entrepreneur comes up with a Brilliant idea of a project, but does not have the money to kick start it. He goes to Crowd Funding sites like indigogo etc. and posts all the information about his idea. He also mentions how much of funding he would require to get his project completed. The twist here is, instead of giving equity to each person who funds… he promises to give each one a piece of his finished product. Normal people like You and me browse through each project and fund the ones we like. Why? Because we get one of the finished products ( which would cost higher once its for sale ), and also gives us a good feel that we have helped someone achieve his goal. Now getting back to how our Cryptocurrency powered Crowd Funding Script works Everything works in the same manner like how a normal Crowd Funding platform works, but just for how the funding is done. When an ...